BARITE is the primary ore of barium, which is used to make a wide variety of barium compounds. Some of these are used for x-ray shielding. It has the ability to block x-ray and gamma-ray emissions. It is used to make high-density concrete to block x-ray emissions in hospitals, power plants, and laboratories.

It occurs in sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks in many geo- logic environments. Most deposits can be classified as vein or cavity-filling, bedded, and residual. Vein or cavity-filling deposits are commercially most important in the West.

To identify barite, look for its high density, crystal form, and non-magnetic nature. Barite typically has a white streak, and is translucent to opaque. Barite

7.60% of all Barite deposits have Gold.





More than 80% of the barite produced today is used as drilling mud in oil and gas well drilling to help prevent “blow-outs”. The white varieties of the mineral are ground up and the powder is used in making paints. The mineral is also used as a filler in the manufacture of paper, floor coverings, and cosmetics.

It is the primary ore of barium, which is used to make a wide variety of barium compounds. Some of these are used for x-ray shielding. It has the ability to block x-ray and gamma-ray emissions. It is used to make high-density concrete to block x-ray emissions in hospitals, power plants, and laboratories.




Translucent to opaque.


Barite (baryte) is a mineral composed of barium sulfate (BaSO4). The mineral barite (BaSO4) is the principal ore for the element barium, which has the chemical symbol Ba. The heavy metal barium is silvery, soft, highly reactive, and does not occur in its elementary form in nature.


In 2023, India produced an estimated 2.7 million metric tons from mines, making it the largest producer worldwide. China was the second leading barite producing country that year, with an output of 1.9 million metric tons.

Production within the United States is primarily from Nevada and Georgia. Smaller deposits are known in other states across the country. Barite has been mined in Virginia for many years and has been identified across the state in many counties. Commercial production has been limited to only a handful mining areas.

Gold Barite can be found in Missouri


Colorless or white color often tinged with yellow, red, brown, and sometimes blue. High specific gravity, characteristic cleavage and crystals

The crystalline system is rhombic. Barite is found sometimes as transparent crystals, but generally it is opaque. Barite is widely distributed throughout the world.