State Gem: Petrified Wood (1975)
State Fossil: Columbian Mammoth (1998)

Washinton state offers a variety of features to visit. Including volcanoes, glaciers, petrified forests, massive lava flows, caves, and caverns.

Rockhounders can find a variety of interesting rock, mineral, gemstone, and fossil specimens including: agates, amber, carnelian, chert, coal, common opal, concretions, copper, coprolites, fossils (marine and plant), garnets, geodes, gold, jasper, opalite, petrified wood, quartz, & zeolites.

The best places to rockhound in Washington are along the Pacific Ocean beaches, river and stream gravels. Numerous mines can also be found across the state. The beaches around Olympic National Park are famous for their beautiful agates, and the Horse Heaven Hills area produces many specimens of opalized wood.


Please note that rock collecting locations are always changing so be sure to check with the site owner for the most current information before going.

Dig safe, never go underground, and make sure to get permission from the landowner to search for and collect rocks.